In the tournament, he breezed through the preliminaries while holding back significantly and developed various new techniques against his foes. By the 21st World Martial Arts Tournament, Goku's might could move a massive boulder and fight on par with the seasoned Roshi. Goku and Krillin accomplished various grueling labors a day that outperformed an entire work-force of adults. While training under Master Roshi, Goku consistently outperformed Krillin and amazed the teacher, including moving large boulders and running a 100-meter dash in 8.5 seconds. Later, as a Great Ape, Goku effortlessly destroyed Emperor Pilaf's castle. When meeting Yamcha, Goku fought on par with the bandit despite weakened from hunger. He defeated a Pteranodon, a pack of wolves and a Bear Thief.

When first meeting Bulma, he was unfazed when rundown by her car and shot, quickly picking up and throwing her car with her in it. As a child, Goku could easily defeat many foes. Ultimately, at his highest level of power, he is unarguably the most powerful mortal in the history of the Multiverse, far stronger than any Destroyer and reaching levels that only the Angels could possibly rival or surpass, with only the Omni Kings and Grand Priest being his certain superior.Īs an infant, he could drag large rocks tied to him while pursuing food and resist his adoptive grandpa's attempts to hold him down. He has been seen to put up a reasonable fight against the Destroyer Beerus, and later on even against his teacher Whis, although both still held back greatly. His natural talent for combat along with his unwavering drive has taken his power to unprecedented levels in his life. One of the most powerful characters in the franchise, Goku can hold his own if not take on seemingly any opponent.

Goku is the second strongest mortal in Universe 7 (surpassed only by fellow Saiyan Broly). 3.12 Perfect Super Saiyan Blue (Power-Stressed).