Jesse’s Spiderweb: T he P o l i t i c s o f S ex u a lityġ1. I Am Beyond Your Reach: N ew D irectionsġ0. A L io n h ea rted Leader o f a G r e a t and G row ing Army: T he E l e c t i o n o f 1984ĩ. A P ure G ospel of C onservatism: P rotecting the RevolutionĨ. A r c h a n g e l o f t h e Right: T he Reagan R e v o lu tio nħ. C onservatism Has Come o f Age: O rg a n izin g t h e M ovem entĦ. Standing A gainst the P revailing W ind : Leading t h e New R ig h tĥ. Black is W hite, and W rong is R ight : Backlash P oliticsĤ.
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T r a v e lin g th e Long, Dreary Road: TV C o n ser v a tiv eģ. A B o l l W eev il in th e C o t t o n Patch: E arly YearsĢ. Preface Introduction Prologue: T he T wo F aces of J esse H elmsġ. First Edition: February 2008 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Southern States- Politics and govenment- 1951- I. United States- Politics and government- 1989- 7. United States- Politics and government- 1945-1989. Conservatism- United States- History- 20th century. Helms, Jesse- Political and social views. Righteous warrior :Jesse Helms and the rise of modern conservatism / William A. Wirth LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews. R ighteous W arrior Jesse Helms and the Rise of Modem ConservatismĬopyright © 2008 by William A. Time Takes a Terrific Toll: Elder StatesmanĪ Hard Country and a Lonely Place: Schooling, Society, and Reform in Rural Virginia, 1870-1920 The Paradox of Southern Progressivism, 1880-1930 William Friday: Power, Purpose, and American Higher Education Roots of Secession: Slavery and Politics in Antebellum Virginia A Big Rock in a River: Resisting Clintonġ3. The Conservative Lion in His Winter: Transitionsġ2. Jesse’s Spiderweb: The Politics of Sexualityġ1. I Am Beyond Your Reach: New Directionsġ0. A Lionhearted Leader of a Great and Growing Army: The Election of 1984ĩ. A Pure Gospel of Conservatism: Protecting the RevolutionĨ. Archangel of the Right: The Reagan Revolutionħ.

Conservatism Has Come of Age: Organizing the MovementĦ. Standing Against the Prevailing Wind: Leading the New Rightĥ. Black is White, and Wrong is Right: Backlash PoliticsĤ. Traveling the Long, Dreary Road: TV Conservativeģ.

A Boll Weevil in the Cotton Patch: Early YearsĢ.